A Brief Introduction to Activities in the Parasitology Laboratory for Medical Students
Forman Erwin Siagian *
Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aims: To revisited the basic of biosafety applied to our Parasitology laboratory and describe our simple student’s centered practicum guide and preparation for use by medical or other health cluster students for their laboratory class activity in faculty of Medicine with the revelation of noble human values such as respect for others, honesty, trustworthy, and open hearted- open minded.
Discussion: Parasitology laboratory basically serves for education/teaching, diagnostic and research. Biosafety principles applies in our lab, even during parasitology laboratory lesson/practicum which consider as biosafety level 1. Lab coat, face mask, gloves, and eye protection/googles are some of the minimum required personal protective equipment (PPE). Students must comply with all the laboratory rules and regulation. Human values in medical education are important for the internalization of ethical, safety culture, and compassionate care. Some human values which considered important in the laboratory class session include respect for others, honesty, trustworthy, and open hearted- open minded.
Keywords: Helminthology, protozoology, entomology, mycology, biosafety level 1, good laboratory practice, precaution, practicum